
The following three timelines highlight some of the activities the BID project’s three core partnerships identified as being most pivotal in the process of building their partnerships. The timelines also reveal the varied tempo of each of the three core partnerships: at times, months would pass without major activities. Since these organizations were seeking long-term and durable partnerships, they worked to put in place infrastructure that would allow the partnership work to pick up where it had left off after these inevitable ebbs inactivity.
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WashingtonOctober 2016Hire dedicated Staff Theme 2Theme 4The dedicated Broader Impacts (BI) staff person at the Higher Education Institution (HEI) was hired from an executive position at the Informal Science Education institution (ISE). Worked closely with multiple people at the HEI, including principal investigators (PIs) and staff in the Office of Research (OR). Ensured deep understanding of each institution’s culture, environment, and existing collaborations. The dedicated staff person from ISE was named. Both staff people had an existing professional relationship. The dedicated staff people from HEI and ISE, who already had an existing relationship, began planning BID work. Both institutions were experiencing changes in leadership and a concomitant reexamination of institutional priorities. HEI and ISE BID representatives created an inventory of ISE activities that likely would continue to be viable. Narrowed the activities list to those in which the HEI was already partnered and activities with partnership potential. The HEI staff person drew up a list of active NSF PIs and those that were seeking NSF funding. 2017 - 2020Institutionalize BID tools Theme 2Theme 4Based on themes that arose in work with multiple HEI researchers, the ISE-HEI BID team recommends that Portal to the Public workshops be written into all HEI REU proposals as well as into most other NSF proposals. Boilerplate language is offered to PIs to include in their proposals. Multiple summer camps co-developed by HEI researchers and the ISE become annual events. Spring 2017Proposal development for researchers Theme 2Theme 4The HEI staffer developed and offered, with the ISE staffer’s help, a series of 8 proposal development workshops for National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER proposers. NSF CAREER proposal development workshop series guided participants to write and submit a NSF CAREER proposal. 1) guidance for enhancing the competitiveness of each part of the proposal 2) specific writing tasks to be completed between meetings 3) peer-review and feedback on proposal sections. As part of participating in these sessions, the researcher ould work with the BID team to create a customized BI plan for their proposal. Summer 2017Expand HEI-ISE partnership activities Theme 2Theme 4BID team staffers and others from the ISI and HEI partner to offer grade 5-10 summer camps in computer science, cybersecurity, and crow research in collaboration with HEI researchers who are potential BID PIs. These summer camp collaborations further cement the relationship between the HEI and ISE, create opportunities for potential PIs to use these activities as part of their BI plan in proposals, and demonstrate an authentic partnership to proposal reviewers. February 2018 - 2019Develop customized BID tools Theme 2Theme 4After meeting with each PI and eliciting their preferences, time, budget, and abilities, the ISE staffer creates a BI menu, customized to each PI, with cost estimates for the ISE to engage in each item. The PI can choose from among these menu items based on time, budget, and project focus. The HEI and ISE staffers create a boilerplate language for each PI to customize for use in each proposal they submit. Spring 2018Proposal development for researchers Theme 2Theme 4The HEI staffer developed and offered, with the ISE staffer’s help, a series of 8 proposal development workshops for National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER proposers. NSF CAREER proposal development workshop series guided participants to write and submit a NSF CAREER proposal. 1) guidance for enhancing the competitiveness of each part of the proposal 2) specific writing tasks to be completed between meetings 3) peer-review and feedback on proposal sections. As part of participating in these sessions, the researcher ould work with the BID team to create a customized BI plan for their proposal. Summer 2018Expand HEI - ISE partnership activities Theme 2Theme 4BID team staffers and others from the ISI and HEI partner to offer grade 5-10 summer camps in computer science, cybersecurity, and crow research in collaboration with HEI researchers who are potential BID PIs. These summer camp collaborations further cement the relationship between the HEI and ISE, create opportunities for potential PIs to use these activities as part of their BI plan in proposals, and demonstrate an authentic partnership to proposal reviewers. June 2018Execute NSF-funded BI activities Theme 2Theme 4As proposals are funded, the HEI and ISE staffers collaborate to deliver Portal to the Public Workshops to REU PIs Four NSF CAREER awards were funded. BI activities are in various stages of execution. All collaborations between the HEI and the ISE have been paused due to COVID-19. The ISE has closed, and work at the HEI has moved to virtual platforms. October 2018 - 2020Leverage BID tools for PI career advancement Theme 2Theme 4The HEI staffer talks to Deans and faculty departments about the BID tool called Broader Impact Identity (we called it BI Legacy). The HEI staffer promotes the BI Legacy (Identity) Narrative as a usefulness in promotion and tenure dossiers. The HEI staffer promotes the BI Legacy (Identity) Narrative as a companion to a researcher’s research agenda and suggests its usefulness in promotion and tenure dossiers. Deans indicate their support and BI work is making its way through the appropriate channels to be recognized and considered in promotion and tenure committees (Oct 2018 and ongoing with little progress at present). Broader Impact Legacy (Identity) Workshops are offered to faculty with support from multiple Deans at HEI. February 2019BI position at HEI reduced Theme 2Theme 4New leadership at the HEI released a new strategic plan with new priorities. Decision was made to reduce, then eliminate the dedicated BI position at UWB. The position was funded at half time for 2019, then eliminated in 2020. The ISE staffer moved to a new position within the organization. No one replaced them in that role for the ISE. The HEI staff person relied on their existing relationships to continue communications between the two institutions. June 2019COVID-19 suspends HEI-ISE partnership The ISE closed and operations at the HEI moved to online platforms as a result COVID-19. Both institutions have expressed their desire to resume collaborations when possible. The responsibility for the relationship has been passed to a HEI leader in the Office of Research and an executive in the ISE. |
New YorkOctober 2017Hire dedicated staff Sciencenter and Cornell staff design and create a dedicated position at Cornell BroaderImpacts Design (BID) Manager is hired at Cornell and BID duties added to position description at Sciencenter November 2017 - Spring 2018HEI BI Landscape Assessment Theme 2Theme 4BID Manager conducted interviews/ and organizational research to establish a comparable baseline for Broader Impacts structures and supports at the local campus level and at other HEI peer institutions nationally Interviewed faculty that were part of BID to get early feedback on our new BID process Meetings with Grant and Contract Officers (GCO) and other program administrators at Cornell to discover what they already knew and what they wanted to know about Broader Impacts opportunities and resources. BID Manager establishes a role as a BI resource/network builder within the Office of Sponsored Program and beyond December 2017 - Summer 2018HEI and ISE co-develop partnership tools Theme 2Co-developed internal tools to streamline BID work within partnership/across institutions. Co-created Google Drive database for shared documentation. Co-developed tools for National BID projects based on what was successful here. September 2018Revisit mapping of the system Theme 3Theme 5A better understanding of how this project fits into our institutions. In-person meetings proved very beneficial, and decided to continue monthly. Power dynamics emerged in the partnerships; learning to negotiate individual and partner priorities. BID team views ourselves as experts within the field; ready to share what we’ve learned with our communities. See opportunities to elevate the quality of BI programs for everyone. November 2018 - December 2018SE Staff Turnover at Sciencenter Theme 4The learning curve for new staff in a BID role, no overlap for training; shared documentation helped create a smooth, fast transition. Work again to quickly build new relationships within the partnership. January 2019 - June 2019BID Manager Integrated into variety of Faculty Development Initiatives at Cornell March 2019BID Manager Integrated into variety of Faculty Development Initiatives at Cornell Theme 2Theme 3March 4, 2019Engaged Cornell workshop First attempt to co-develop a workshop with another group on campus. Unsuccessful because we relied on their recruitment and advertising, which resulted in zero PIs attending. The realization that our team could and should take ownership of these workshops. March 8, 2019K-12 Outreach Lunch Connecting to a potential local BI ecosystem Assessing the landscape of BI activities within Cornell outreach organizations. Realization of what we might be able to bring to a broader community. Showing up so we can be seen as part of the BI community on campus. March 16, 2019CAREER BI Identity Workshop Led by BID Manager with support from ISE. The starting point for many. faculty who now see BID Manager as an important resource. Sciencenter increased its role as a resource for researchers interested in BI. March 27, 2019CAREER Panel BID Manager more involved in planning, learned from previous year. BID has seen as an important part of the CAREER workshop. Sciencenter Director and a PI who worked with us are panelists to highlight the partnership. August 2019New Online NSF BI Resources Developed Theme 3Tools and resources developed through partnership now available on OSP website for faculty. Accessible to faculty across campus. September 5, 2019ISE Empowered to Declined BI work With Researchers that are Not a Good Fit October 16, 2019Community Partner Workshops Theme 4Including the broader community in BI projects has resulted in the planning of a series of workshops for informal science institutions. Pilot workshop planned with a diverse group of community organizations that we have established relationships with to assess the needs of the community. Conceived and co-developed by BID team members. We view ourselves as experts within the field who have valuable knowledge and resources that we can share with the community to elevate the quality of BI for everyone. January 2020 - May 2020Changes to Cornell’s NSF CAREER Workshop BID Manager more fully integrated into Faculty Development efforts at OSP, and a new NSF CAREER series is launched which takes place over 6 months and includes a number of campus BI resources and community partners. May 2020Community ISE Partnerships & Broader Impacts Forum Theme 4Theme 5BID Manager created a new program within NSF CAREER series and over 80 Cornell faculty, and 10 ISE units on campus and in the community participated in a community-wide forum for Broader Impacts Design, Broadening Participation in STEM, Partnership Practices, Evaluation, and Resources. October 2020BID Manager Role Moves toward Institutionalization Theme 5BID Manager services and expertise are integrated into OSP Research Concierge program, and OSP Director looks for ways to make the staff position permanent during the COVID pandemic. A new, temporary position is secured for January 2021. Temporary nature due to COVID uncertainty. The aim is to make the position full-time permanent. November 2020 - January 2021Institutional Broader Impacts Visioning Statement Co-Created Theme 4Theme 5A Broader Impacts visioning document is developed by OSP and Cornell’s OEI Office of Engagement Initiatives) to support a larger campus-wide initiative for faculty development in broader impact activities. OSP an OEI leaderships are in conversation to jointly develop infrastructure and a new BID Manager position, to serve both campus units (and potentially be jointly supported) by Vice Provost for Research and Vice Provost for Engagement and Land Grant Affairs. |
WisconsinJanuary 2017Campus community training in BI Theme 41st generation of Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellows program, this initial implementation of the Portal to the Public at UW-Madison to support public engagement. May 2017Faculty training in BI Theme 4NSF Career program workshop is an annual workshop for faculty anticipating submitting a CAREER proposal to NSF. The 3-4 hour workshop gives an overview of NSF and the BI criterion. Activities include preliminary visioning of BI plans, budgets, and partnering opportunities. Follow up with individual consultations are the normal outcomes of the workshop. October 2017Graduate student training in BI Theme 4NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program workshop is an annual workshop for graduate students anticipating submitting a GRFP proposal to NSF. The 3-4 hour workshop gives an overview of NSF and the BI criterion. Activities include preliminary visioning of BI plans, budgets, and partnering opportunities. Follow up with individual consultations are the normal outcomes of the workshop. December 2017 - 2020Campus community training in BI Theme 4Deep revisions and alignment of Impact Identity for the Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellows program, this program is a local UW-Madison version of the Portal to the Public program with workshops, development of an interactive exploration station, and participation in 3 outreach events. Cohorts of about 15 are organized every 3-4 months. February 2018Information sharing with central campus Administration Theme 4Theme 5Sharing about BID resources, events, and support for PIs. Informing campus leadership in Office for Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education of BID grant. The OVCRGE had oversight with both CAREER and GRFP workshops. February 2018 - Fall 2018Website Development Website development, broaderimpacts.wisc.edu, is a resource-focused website for campus researchers on Broader Impact. Sections include Understanding Broader Impacts, Broader Impacts Planning Step By Step, Partners and Programs for Broader Impacts, Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellows, Contact & About, and Latest BI News April 2018Share BID Initiative with campus front line outreach community members Theme 4Theme 5Networking on campus with groups such as our Science Alliance network of science outreachers enabled BID to integrate its activities with ongoing and existing programs. April 2018BI Promotion Information sharing about BID with the research office in the College of Engineering led to many (est. 25) referrals to BID for grant consultations on Broader Impacts. April 2018 - 2020BI Communication Information sharing with central campus Administration about BID resources, events, and support for PIs Informing campus leadership in Office for Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education of BID grant. The OVCRGE (Office for Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education) had oversight with both CAREER and GRFP workshops. August 2018WISCIENCE STEM Immersion program collaboration Theme 5WISCIENCE STEM Immersion program collaboration, this was a lunch in August 2018 with 35 incoming URM Undergraduates self identifying as future STEM majors. The lunch introduced the students to UW-Madison graduate students with the intent to begin establishing possible mentor/mentee relationships. No follow-up was organized so program intent failed. September 2018National Advancing Research Impacts in Society Center Theme 5The evolution of NABI into the ARIS Center afforded many opportunities for BID to engage with new partners on the national level. December 2018Launch of Illuminating Discovery Hub Theme 4Theme 5Illuminating Discovery Hub, this new organizational structure in the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery building gave the BID project both a physical presence in the WID building as well as a programmatic home of many of its programs. The BID project role will be defined as the Hub’s activities evolve. February 2019Web revisions ongoing Website maintenance and updating, broaderimpacts.wisc.edu, is a resource-focused website for campus researchers on Broader Impact. Sections include, Understanding Broader Impacts, Broader Impacts Planning Step By Step, Partners and Programs for Broader Impacts, Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellows, Contact & About, Latest BI News May 2019STEM for All Multiplex video production Theme 4Theme 5The 2019 video project that we submitted was produced by Travis Tangen with assistance by our intern. Our video snapshot features the connections and case studies of how this more comprehensive Broader impacts Design process supports researchers’ participation in designing and implementing Broader Impacts plans. The AAAS video allowed us to capture our BI story and can be used to continue the promotion of our BI work both on campus and beyond. August 2019STEM Fellows in person Theme 4Theme 5Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellows program, this program is a local UW-Madison version of the Portal to the Public program with requirements of 2-four hour workshops, development of an interactive exploration station, and participation in 3 outreach events. Cohorts of about 15 are organized every 3-4 months. October 2019GRFP workshop Theme 4Theme 5NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Graduate Research Fellowship Program) workshop is an annual workshop for graduate students anticipating submitting a GRFP proposal to NSF. The 3-4 hour workshop gives an overview of NSF and the BI criterion. Activities include preliminary visioning of BI plans, budgets, and partnering opportunities. Follow up with individual consultations are the normal outcomes of the workshop. January 2020STEM Fellows in person Theme 4Theme 5Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellows program, this program is a local UW-Madison version of the Portal to the Public program with requirements of 2-four hour workshops, development of an interactive exploration station, and participation in 3 outreach events. Cohorts of about 15 are organized every 3-4 months. For PIs interested in working with local governments. May 2020Online NSF CAREER workshop Theme 4Theme 5The annual CAREER workshop meets the needs of many junior faculty as they prepare their CAREER submission. The workshop covers basic BI 101 ideas and connects many PIs with campus and community resources that can improve their BI plans. May 2020ARIS Summit Session with new campus partner Many campus individuals are unaware of many resources that serve our greater Madison and Wisconsin communities. This presentation is an example of a new office, University Alliance, on campus that partners with local governments to solve pressing community problems. It could offer BI opportunities. June 2020Infographic Development Theme 4Development of BI resources on website Website resources have become even more important in these times of distance and virtual activities. Numerous resources have been modified to be more useful in these unusual times of professional development. August 2020Development of new self-guided BI workshop tools Theme 4The BI tools development creates sustainable UW-Madison resources that are accessible to all of campus. October 2020Online GRFP workshop Theme 5With new resources from the NSF CAREER online workshop UW-Madison submits a large number of GRFP proposals and our resources serve to introduce graduate students to BI, connect them will campus outreach and community engagement professionals, and improve their BI plans for their GRFP proposals. November 2020Impact Identity self-guide for BI planning with faculty videos Theme 4The Impact Identity activity has oftentimes proven to be extremely impactful for PIs to identify their interests in Broader Impacts activities and audiences. This planning resource is useful for asynchronous activities with BI Impact Identity. December 2020Model of online BI development - Speciation Cards Theme 1Evolution outreach for BI is a challenging research area. This long-term partnership with a lab of about 10 graduate students, post-docs, and research staff is an example of how a BI project can expand from the PI to an entire lab group. |
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation. Any opinions, findings, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.
This project has been made possible by a grant from the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Portal to the Public is facilitated by the Institute for Learning Innovation.